Benefits and Virtues of Reciting Surah Al Kahf

Surah al Kahf is one of the eminent Surah of Holy Quran. Surah Al Kahf is the 18th Chapter of Holy Quran. It is a Meccan Surat and named as Suratul Kahf. It was revealed to Last Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.W. It has 110 Ayats or Verses.

Surah Al Kahf has four impressive and exciting Quranic Stories, for the purpose of belief and greatness of the Allah. As for the first story, it is about As-haab-ul-Kahf. The companion of the Cave. It tells the story of the believers in early time when received the message of Truth accepted it. They were to confront retaliation from the general public and henceforth the escape from the city and found protection in a cave where Allah Almighty gave them sleep for 309 Years till then whole city had converted in to believers. Then Allah reawakens them after this lengthy period.

  • The second story is about Owner of two beautiful Gardens
  • The third story is the story of Prophet Musa (A.S) with Hazrat Khizer.
  • The fourth story is of "Dhul Qurnain" also known as Alexander the Great.

These stories carry most important lessons that are trials of faith, trials of wealth, trials of knowledge and trails of authority in Surah Al Kahf.

Virtues or Benefits of Reading or Reciting Surah Al Kahf

There are many virtues of reciting Surah Al Kahf

As Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W)

"One who memorized the first ten verses or ayyats of Surah Al Kahf will be secure against the Dajjal." (Sahih Muslim)

" It is related from Abu Saeed Al-Khudri (RA) who said: “Whoever reads Surah Al-Kahf on the night of Jummah (Friday), will have a light that will stretch between him and the Holy Kabaah". (Daarimi)"

Hazrat Ibn Mardwiyah Al Daiyaa (R.A) Said: “Whoever reads Surah al Kahf on Jummah, he is immune for 8 days from all fitnah that will happen. When the Dajjal comes out, he will be immune to him.” (Al Mukhtaar)

Whoever reads Surah al Kahf upon the arrival of Jummah will have a light that will sparkle from him starting with one Friday then onto the next.” (al-Jaami)

Reciting Surah Al Kahf on every Friday becomes a source of forgiveness of sins committed between two Fridays. Surah al Khaf is one of the renowned Surah of Holy Quran. It comes with a lot of virtues. This Surah gives the message that Allah protects those who are stick to righteousness and stay on the right path.

Every Muslim Men and Women try your best to Read Surah AL Kahf on the day of Jummah or on the night of Jummah. Also try to memorize Surah Al Kahf.

May Allah protect all of us from the Fitna of Dajjal and forgive all of our sins. Ameen

You can listen online and download free recitation / Tilawat of Surah Al Kahf with translation free from our website. Please click on the links below to listen Surah Al Kahf. We have also added tafseer of Surah Al Kahf in urdu in the voice of Dr Israr Ahmed.

Surah Al Kahf Recitation

Surah Al Kahf with Urdu Translation

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