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Quran Translations

The Holy Quran is the last Book from Almighty Allah. It consists of guidance, mercy and healing. The Quran is blessing within reach. Holy Quran consists of 114 Surah or Chapters and 6236 verses or Ayats. The Holy Quran is the most significant religious text which is followed by the believers of the Islamic religion. Translation of Holy Quran is not the actual Quran Just one interpretation. The Quran in Arabic language is the actual words of Allah. The Non-Arabs readers ultimately perceives the Quran through the lens of the translator.

Audio Quran Translation / Tarjuma of all Surahs are available in Urdu, English and other languages. We are updating it day by day. This online service allows believers residing in various parts of the world to listen Holy Quran easily in their respective languages. You can listen the translations in urdu, English and other languages. You can also download Quran translations free from our website. You can download full audio Quran free from Quranclick.com. We have added Quran Recitation, Translation, Tafseer, Islamic Videos, Quran Quotes and Islamic Blog.